Is grammar still important in the computer age? Blog Entry (1/28)

Posted: January 28, 2011 in Uncategorized
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We live in an age where information is easily accessible to anyone with a computer. I’m interested in how this changes writing. We’ve been focusing on a few grammatical concepts in class lately, and we will continue to do this. However, I want to hear from you about how important grammar is in an age where we can spell-check and Google anything.

In 6-10 sentences give your opinion of how important it is to know grammar in the computer age. Does it matter if you’re a grammar expert when anyone can spell-check or Google? Does the ability to use grammar correctly and easily have any implications in ‘real’ life?

Mr. S

  1. Jeffrey Samborski 1st period says:

    I think that grammar is important in life because it shows how educated you are and how much the country we live in is learning. You also show how much you care about English, the language most Americans speak, and how much you respect yourself. What I mean is the way we respect our lives and how we look, but the way we are as in how responsible we are and how seriously we take our education. It can also show how much you care about your future and the work you do. Every single piece of work you do, that’s how you show yourself. I think Americans and other people around the world should care about how they speak and how they get educated, but most importantly everyone should care about grammar.

  2. Kayla Skotnicki =) 1st period! says:

    I believe that grammar plays a big part in the world. If you go to college and have a speech or presentation to do, your grammar and speech will play a big role in your grade and the way people will look at you. But, when you have a computer, you are used to the computer correcting all of your grammar and mistakes. When you have a computer and it does everything for you, you tend to make a lot more mistakes when you speech. Furthermore, you begin to believe that grammar is not as important as it is. When you get older and want to have a good paying job than you’ll have to go to college and be a good speaker. When you have good grammar, you sound a lot more professional.

  3. kevin tragno PD1 says:

    I think that being good at using your grammer skills is still very important. Even though places like word have an automatic spell and grammer check its not ok to depend on that. Writing with pen or pencil is still part of our lives, and the skills are still requierd today. Not being able to be perficient in these skills can put a hold on getting a job, getting good grades and just writing things in general and not being embarrassed to write and show your work. Even though technology will always be around us and improving, pen paper and pencil will always be around and should hopefully keep improving.
    kevin T. PD 1

  4. kevin murray frist period says:

    The grammer should go beyond the classroom. First the computer only checks spelling , not the way we use grammer. Say if someone writes the sentence “I blue you away.” It sounds the same as “I blew you away.”, but they mean different things when reading. Blue in the first one mean the color.The blew in the second one means to blow . These things that the computer would not pick up on . The second reason is that it makes you sound better. So that is a good way to use proper grammer.

  5. Nicholas VanDexter says:

    In the age of technology, computers have been a very sucessful peice of work. In my opinion I believe that knowing grammar is a very important part of everyday life. If you think about it, you will not always have a computer at all the places you may be. Though you might have another source of technology in your pocket, it is always best to know how to speak to other people in a way that you can speak for long periods of time. Knowing grammar teaches you all the ropes that lead to successful social skills. These skills will also allow you to perform better on a computer. While writing on a computer, you some times make mistakes but they can be corrected with spell check. But knowing the basic grammar skills and vocabulary you can write a blog with out making any grammatical mistakes. Therfore, grammar is very important to know, it is also very important to learn new ropes that lead you to a more successful.

  6. Bobby Cunningham 1st period says:

    Even though we can use google and spell check, knowing grammar is a good thing. We shouldn’t always rely on spell check when we are typing. Its good to know grammar because your gonna need it when your talking to people in real life. Actually knowing grammar can make you look good and smart. Unlike those who use google and spell check you will know exactly how to spell words and how to make a correct and proper sentence. In life, if you know grammar it shows how educated you are and it shows that you learned. The computer is pretty much taking over grammar. What I mean is you don’t have to know grammar. On the computer, spell check does it all for you. But that’s not good because you want to know it. You need to pay attention in school and college to make sure you learn the things you need in life just like grammar. You cant always rely on a computer to do that stuff for you. Sometimes, it isnt always right and knowing grammar will come in handy.

    • Bobby Cunningham period 1 says:

      Even though we can use google and spell check, knowing grammar is a good thing.
      This should be
      Even though we can use google and spell check, us knowing grammar is a good thing.

  7. Michael Burgos says:

    I believe we should learn and understand grammer in the computer age because we shouldn’t rely on the computers. Having a computer do all the work for you is a luxury not a right. Okay, let’s say suddeny every computer crashed. There would be constant writng errors because the majority of the people got so used to the computer doing the work that they never learned how to use grammar. That’s why I personally believe that in life the one who can read and write nearly perfect always makes the most money. Also if you don’t know how to use grammar how can you express yourself with pen and paper if you constantly make mistakes.

  8. Joe (Guest Blogger - college senior) says:

    Internet language has no doubt changed the way we speak and write, but it’s not the first time. ‘It is’ became ’tis’ because it’s easier to say it that way. In the same vein, ‘be right back’ is a lot harder to type than ‘brb.’ Does that mean that we should abandon all the rules of English grammar? I don’t think so. For me, as a college student, it’s important that I write papers in grammatically correct English and that I speak to professors with properly conjugated verbs and minimal ‘like’s. When I interview for jobs in a few months, I had better not say ‘rofl’ when I really mean ‘that’s funny.’ Don’t get me wrong–I speak a certain way in text messages and emails that doesn’t carry over to face-to-face communication. But it’s important that we distinguish our cyberselves from the real thing.

  9. Michael Angelo Giordano IV says:

    What about grammar? Grammar is not important any more. Since we have computers that correct our spelling most people don’t pay attention to the way the word is spelled. We don’t need to learn how to spell in school. It is a waste of time for our teachers to make lessons for something we don’t need any more. We could use or time in school for more ideas than grammar lessons. With our computer technology what will be next step for our grammar?

  10. Christina (Guest Blogger - Journalist) says:

    As a professional writer, my job depends on my ability to communicate through words. Writing with good grammar is a huge part of that. I can’t depend on an editor or a computer program to catch or correct my grammar mistakes. And even one grammar error could result in a lost assignment, or worse, a loss of credibility.

    Even for non-writers, good grammar remains relevant. Think about all the times in your life you might write to express your opinion in a public forum. I’m willing to bet that your job application cover letter, your complaint e-mail to the owner of a business, and even your comment on a blog post will be given more respect if it’s free from grammar mistakes.

  11. Tyler Smith says:

    Grammar is a very important aspect in life. Like now, I spelled grammar wrong and spell check picked it up for me and fixed it. That’s lazy. The world is getting lazier and lazier with all this new technology. Some of it is useful and some of it is just for kicks. Grammar will help us understand writing like directions on how to build something, or where to go to. It can also help us for jobs, if we have bad grammar than how can we fill out a job application. People today don’t really pay attention to grammar, but when they need it they blame it on other people that they didn’t learn it when indeed they did but did not pay attention when it came about.

  12. Toni Flack 5th pr. says:

    A computer will never be able to think and work like the human mind. Learning grammar can allow you to expand your thinking, better understand what you read and improve your writiing. When you move on to college you will be based on what you know and not what a computer can fix for you. Everywhere you go, there may not always be a computer or a smartphone to fix it. Also using proper grammar can influence your speach, the way you talk tells alot about more then you notice. Grammar can directly interfere in just about everything you do.

    • Mr. Turkot says:

      It’s funny–I constantly check my smartphone with grammar questions; my latest inquiries have been lay vs. lie, I vs. me, transitive vs. intransitive, and even the correct use of the semicolon.

      Technology can impede grammar, or it can serve as a catalyst for mastering it when we run into new problems with our writing. I don’t know where I’d be if I couldn’t look up a word or grammar problem on the fly any minute of the day
      from my phone.

      Grammar is as important as ever–Microsoft Word will let you down half the time, if not more.

  13. Anthony Justdoit Rentas says:

    I think we should learn or be taught grammar because we shouldn’t rely on computers. We should be able to be “grammarly” independent and not have to worry about computers checking or spellings are words. What if we had to take a test? People would be lost without it if we weren’t correctly taught is grammar. If I was to go my whole life based on computers helping me when it comes to the real world people will look really un-educated. This is why I think grammar is really important to learn.

  14. Tyler Rendfrey period 5 says:

    I believe that speaking with proper English grammar plays a major role in our natural lives. Having the ability to speak grammatically correct gives us a better reputation in this world. Proper grammar is also needed when applying for a job; We must speak properly to the one interviewing you. Many mandatory actions that take place in our daily lives require proper grammar as well. When writing an essay in English class or a report for Science, we don’t want to have low graded grammar, especially when presenting a project in front of the class, it will lead to embarrassment. A problem with this world is that the teen-age environment depends on the internet for checking their grammar. Google will not always give us the correct spelling of a word, and spell check will not always correct improper grammar. Speaking grammatically correct is used in our daily lives, and plays a major role in the way we live.

  15. Marissa Insel 5th period says:

    Grammar is indeed very important. To me I think we should know grammar beyond the technology. In our time period now we have spell check and grammar check, so it is easy to fix our mistakes. Although, I personally, don’t think technology should do all that, I also think we should know grammar ; it should come normally to us. The problem with teenagers using more “modern day” grammar is that they will most likely never learn proper grammar, or it will be harder for them to learn. They are so use to using slang, that the proper grammar will be harder for them to learn. And I can support that theory because In my school I see people struggle all the time with simple grammar. I’m not for people making up fake words like “aint” or “brb”, and now people are accepting the improper grammar that us people use. If we start using improper grammar more and more some people will start talking like that, which in many cases has already happen. Most people use “slang” but i think if you have better grammar your social skills will improve. There is more things you can learn with more grammar, your ability to learn new grammar skills will improve, making you, in a way, smarter.

  16. Alyssa Soto 5ht says:

    I personally believe that grammar is still a very important part of our everyday speech and writing. Even though we have computers to fix all of our mistakes that we make, we still can’t forget about the essay writing for college or jobs that have to be hand written. Just imagine how it would sound if everyone spoke and wrote in slang or in text talk. Example: “Hey. What is the problem?” Is transformed to “yo wats da prob?” That just sounds so improper. No college or job would accept you if that is how you write. This is why we need these grammar lessons regardless if we have the technology of the world. You never know when all the technology can be taken away. Then what would you do?

  17. donald long 5th period says:

    Well, because of the computes of this time, the grammar doesn’t affect us at the time we write, or type. With the computers, the grammar can be fixed be itself, but irk, this is a hard topic. Some people rather use computer because there are too lazy to fix the grammar mistakes be them self’s. I ambit that I am lazy with my work, I am not good a grammar as the other writers, such as the college student or the journalist, I am not the only one that is lazy, right.
    Comment back to say your opinion on the blog.

  18. Sean Mascola says:

    Grammar to me is not serious and is serious. I usually dont use it when i’m typing, talking or texting, but sometimes is important. Like when you doing stuff, you dont no what to do so someone tells you and you do it. But if people didn’t use it then they would say the dumbest things and we would now what to do. I think its important cause to me it helps me understand things much easier. When people talk to me I need them to be as precise and discriptive as possible. Some people need be desriptive or you wouldnt understand what we do sometimes. Like when people make movies, do the news we need to know exactly whats going to happen. So yeah I think it’s important for us.

  19. Jasmine Davis says:

    I do think that grammar is very important in today world because without grammar, people are going to think that it is good to talk and mainly write incorrect. Having correct grammar shows how educated you are and how much we are learning. Even though today we have computers and other elections to help fix all the mistakes . That dosen’t mean your going to have them kind of things to help so throughout all the writing and talking grammar is important.

  20. toni elizabeth p. 5thperiod says:

    Does it matter if you’re a grammar expert when anyone cans spell-check or Google?”
    In my opinion no it doesn’t matter if you’re a grammar expert when anyone cans spell-check or Google anything. Because the way technology is now anybody can learn anything and still don’t know how to spell a one word. Even if you’re a grammar expert there are still words you might not know or how to put into a sentence correctly. “Does the ability to use grammar correctly and easily have any implications in ‘real’ life?” Yes, I think the ability to use grammar correctly and easily may have a big impact on and in real life… You’ll have better understanding in things going on and around your life with no problems.

  21. Rosibel Guerrero says:

    In my opinion grammar is important to learn because we can’t always rely on computers. Computers aren’t always right they also make some mistakes and it also helps us sound more educated while we talk. Sounding educated will help us get a better job and if we don’t learn grammar it affects the way some people talk. In this ”age” generation even if we have technology that can correct our mistakes, there’s always a chance that even the computer makes mistakes.

  22. !zhane smiles mccrea! says:

    In my opinion it really doesn’t matter if you’re a grammar exert because many people can use a dictionary, a thesaurus, or Google to help them with their grammar issues. Take me for an example, I use Google all the time to help me with my grammar problems, and sometimes while I’m in school i sometimes ask my English teacher for help if I need it. But other than that, many people don’t care if you are a grammar expert as long as you know what you’re talking about and how to back you up.

  23. stephen hummel english pd 6 says:

    Idont really think that it is important to the computer age because i usually will talk like this…” wah chu up 2?” or “yerp bro”.. Texting is the fastest way to communicate now a days. And faster texting means little spelled words instead of writing out the whole word you use your mind and shorten it up. How do you text? Do you spell your words differently? How fast are you at it? Those are the three questions you gotta ask yourself to see if you have grammar during text because the less spelling you use ,the less time you take and how you spell the words shows if you think grammar is important.

  24. Talaura Truluck says:

    In my opinion I think grammar is still important in the computer age. My reason for saying this is because, even though we have technology, the computer can still make mistakes. Take a calculator for instance. Even though the calculator is always accurate with the numbers you punch in, it can make a mistake if you put in the wrong numbers. So even though the computer can correct your spelling mistakes, it can give you the wrong word for that sentence. So you need to know need to know grammar to correct the computer’s corrected mistakes.

  25. Precious Onyekachukwu 6th says:

    No matter what you say or where you go, Grammar is always involved. Computer is there to help us when we have one but in reality we only have our self to help and no one else when it comes to grammar. Grammar is in our everyday life and there’s nothing you or we can do about it except for learn it. Grammar is used everyday even in your and even when you dont realize it, you yourself are correcting someone because of their missed used of grammar.

  26. Kaitlin Foy says:

    I think that grammar is a very important tool in writing because you have to present your writing as very essential and professional. For example, when you’re applying for a job, you want to sound professional and you also want to sound very educated. Grammar is important in many types of writing. I love to write myself and I always like to use big words to explain more about what my writing is precisely about. In many ways writing is used, and having the right grammar and spelling is very important and any standard. In conclusion, make sure using the correct grammar in the right way.

  27. jazmin snowden pd. 6 says:

    Is Grammar still important in the computer age?

    Yes, I do believe grammar is still important, but because of technology and we have computers I don’t think there’s an emphases on it. We live in an age where education is not a main priority on today’s youth. I think this age needs to get back to making education a main priority. Grammar is very important. Grammar shows how educated you are. It shows that are country is teaching and that we care about education.

  28. Akie williams says:

    Is Grammar still important in the computer age?

    I think it is important to know and understand grammar because when you’re writing on paper and don’t have the computer to correct your grammar then you paper would have a lot of grammatical errors. I know that computers are really big and they are being improved more and more everyday but it is still better to know how to use good grammar. Grammar isn’t really hard to learn or understand and I know learning it is really boring but it is important to learn for life. Computers are good to use but not all the time sometimes it is better to just write. So basically learning how to use grammar is better than letting to computer do it for you.

  29. Jareidy Nova 6th period says:

    Well it really doesn’t matter if you know grammar when you are using the computer since we live in a world that has many ways in figuring out anything that involves grammar. This generation has many ways of increasing our grammar making it sound more professional. People online dont sound so stupid now since we have the invention of

  30. Mat Rivera says:

    Mathew Rivera
    Period 6
    Is grammar important? Yes I think it is very important because knowing your grammar would show that u are educated and it will judge the way people look at you. But, I think since computers have been made people’s grammar and knowledge have going down the drain. Computers make people lazier because they basically give you every answer and correct your words for you. It’s going to pay off learning as much as you can and having a good vocabulary so that when you get older you won’t sound so uneducated.

  31. (: *Kara Simon* :) says:

    Grammar is still important in the computer age. It is important because you do not just type you also write. The computer doesnt always fix your grammar mistakes and also if you have wrong grammar on the computer you will also use it in your speech. Grammar is a big issue in life and it helps you in the long run. Yes grammar is important in the computer age. Very important.

  32. GLEN PLAIRE (GLIZZY) says:

    Glen Plaire

    Is Grammar still important in the computer age?

    I think Grammar is still important in the computer age because it helps your typing skills out. It helps u typing skills out because if you’re typing a paper for a class it would help you get a better grade. If we had no grammar skills in the computer age it would be hard for people to get a good grade for typing. You would only do well if you knew every correct word to type. It would be hard for local newspapers or worldwide news papers to put their stuff out. Not everybody knows how to spell every word correctly without messing up.

  33. (= Darr!ck H!ne$ 6th pd. =) says:

    I think that grammar is still a very important part of writing. Grammar is more important when talking rather than writing because in today’s world everything has spelling and grammar check. But when talking you need to know proper word structure when you’re talking so you don’t sound illiterate.
    Grammar and spelling are most important if you are hand writing a letter. If you are typing a letter or a document it’s not as important because everything has spelling check or grammar check.

  34. vanessa Lopez :) says:

    I think grammar is still important to the computer age because you can do more than typing, you can also write. The computer doesn’t always fix your mistakes, you are going to have to fix them yourself when you are re-reading what you wrote. If you have wrong grammar on the computer you will also use it in the speech that you are giving. So in my opinion yes grammar is very important to the computer age!.

  35. Jay Bryant 6th says:

    I believe that in this computer age it is not important to know grammar. On the internet we are constantly changing words so that they can accommodate us as teens. Sometimes we are too lazy to write out the whole word so we shorten or abbreviate. For example: instead of saying “I am laughing out loud” we use “lol”, or instead of typing “talking”, we might type “talkn”. Therefore in this day in age you don’t have to be a grammatical genius. Even though there are times when you need to sound educated and professional, so when you need to you could easily spell and grammar check things on the computer. Although correct grammar will be needed in real life you will not need it all the time. This is why they have slang.

  36. Sean Green says:

    We can easily use Spell Check and Google etc, to check our grammar. It has changed how we write and use the computers in today’s world. But the problem is that we need to know our grammar. When we write essays or applications for jobs, you do not have spell check or the internet. You need to know spelling and grammar in the real world so when you are without it you know it correctly. People depend on Spell check but it is better to train yourself and learn grammar so when you need it you know it. I use spell check and the internet but, I know how to properly spell etc, when I do not have access to those tools

  37. Thea Garrett 7th period says:

    Although it’s true that computers and similar program have made it considerably easier to forget the basic grammer rules, I think it’s extremely important. The simplest way of explaining why is because computers are not at our disposal 24-7. What happens when we are on our own, without the aid of machines? It is important to understand that, while computers are an amazing tool and they make life a lot easier, we cannot allow ourselves to become dependant on them.

  38. Kristen Rathof period 7 :) says:

    I think that grammar is still important in the computer age because if we didn’t have Microsoft word, we wouldn’t really know if a word was used correctly or anything. Also that grammar is very important because if you take a test or something and your grammar is spelled wrong you would get points taking off. That’s why we have Microsoft today, to help us know what is used right or wrong. I also think grammar is still important in the computer age is because just in case we had an essay or something that we had to type, the computer would fix it for you. So when you go to talk about your speech or essay and show it on the computer it would be correct because the computer already fixed it for you. This is why I think that grammar is still important in the computer age.

  39. Briana Lowery 7th says:

    I feel as though grammar is still an important thing that everyone should still learn about. Computers have spell and grammar check, which makes it easier for you when you’re typing; but what happens if you have to write out a letter or something on paper? Computers can still make mistakes, and the only way you can know is if you know how to use grammar yourself. Learning grammar will help expand your knowledge and improve your writing. So instead of letting technology do everything for you, learn for once; and be proud to say that for once you did something on your own!

  40. Mark Fenton says:

    In the “computer age” grammar is still important to know how to write with proper grammar because we still need to know how to write correctly, in order to sound intelligent. Learning how to use proper grammar is easier than ever with just the click of a button anyone can find out the proper grammar, spelling or synonym of any word, without opening a thyrsus or dictionary. The computer age has not made us “lazy” it has just given us unlimited resources at our disposal. everything is online at our finger tips.

  41. Ryan J. Williams pd7 says:

    I think that is extremely important for me as a student to know my grammar. The reason being is because since I am a student in high school I still have a very, very long way to go. But, that could be a good thing, I have time to practice and check my grammar before its to late. For example when you go for a job review you do not want to go in there and let your employer think that you never attended a American school ever in your life. No, you want to go in there knowing what you are about to say and how to say it, for this just might get you a job. So keep practicing and working on that grammar so you can be awesome when it all matters the most.

  42. courtney ranieri 7th period says:

    I think that grammar has a huge part in the world. Like when we presentations in class you don’t want to look dumb in front of the class. Like you’ve been texting for awhile, the texting language will wear off on you. Also, trying to hold a job with the grammar we use today. Just cause there are computers now doesn’t mean they’ll always be here in life. Everyone in there has used Google before.

  43. christiana spruill 7th :p says:

    I think that grammar is important to know when you’re writing because it’s important to show your writing in a professional way. For example, if you’re applying for a job you would want to sound professional so you can get a better chance of getting the job. I think that computers do all the work for you. In that case since it corrects everything for you, you really wouldn’t learn anything from it.

  44. April Sherwood (Guest Blogger - Lawyer) says:

    As a lawyer, grammar is very important. I frequently turn in memos to inform other lawyers about the progress we are making on a case. Oftentimes the lawyer reading the memo will be presenting my work in the courtroom so it needs to be clear and concise in the information presented. In court, our words need to be persuasive and one way of doing this is by showing a mastery of grammar. If I have several mistakes in briefs that I present to the judge or opposing counsel, it takes my credibility down and can affect the outcome of the hearing.

    In a law firm, your position and salary are based on your credibility and success as a lawyer. As a private practice lawyer, your work is based on the amount of clients that you can bring in, so your reputation as a well spoken and well written lawyer can make or break your practice. Thus, grammar is a very important thing in the day to day working life of a lawyer.

  45. trichina tucker says:

    I think grammer is important because you need to know how to speak to someone, specially if your going on an interview and your talking like your speech is not correct, than that can be a problem to the person that’s doing the interview. Kids and teenagers are more affected by this because there always usings their cell phones, and when they text they use abbreviated words or word that don’t even exists, so that’s a major problem with grammer as well. I think grammer should be taught more often then any other subject in school.

  46. Kayla MsGoAT TOlbert says:

    I think grammar is important. If you don’t know how to talk then you won’t get anywhere in life. Let’s say you wanted to go to college and you had to explain an answer to the whole class. You don’t sound like you know what you’re talking about the class may not understand. If you speak in slang and try to get a job the manager would say they’ll call you if you get the job then you don’t ever get a call that’s because the way you were speaking.

  47. Mr. O'Connor - Guest Blogger - Teacher says:

    I can attest to the importance of learning and using grammar well. Everyone makes a mistake every now and then when writing but to make a mistake and not care that someone is judging you – hmm! Yet, I can say I have see great improvement in everyone’s posts lately. I stop by every now and then. I am proud of the progress. Keep up the HARD work. You never know, I may reply to your post too.

  48. Freddy Rivera 1st Period says:

    I think it’s important to know grammer in the computer age because how would people understand what you are saying? If you didn’t have grammer people would get confused with what your trying to tell them. Even though we have spell check and google I think it’s still good to have good grammer because what if your writing something for school and you didn’t have a computer to know if you spelled everything write? Good grammer helps everyone in life. It helps us with job interviews and just plain communicating with other people.

  49. Imani Reed 1st period ;p says:

    In my opinion grammar plays a big part in computer age. I feel this way because if we didn’t have the grammar checks then stuff like stories, papers, articles would have errors and it would affect the way we work. Grammar also affects the way we talk so if we was to go for a job or something if we were asked a question like where are you from…and you say im is from you would not be hired because the grammatical error is im is you would change that to I am or im.

  50. Francesca Rosado (: 1st period ! says:

    It does matter, because in the REAL world Google and spell check aren’t going to be there to save you. You need to know your grammar so you don’t look like a fool in public. I don’t think a place is going to hire someone with poor grammar. You need to make sure you sound educated because that’s very important. There are some people who discriminate others because lack of grammar. Not only is it important to have good grammar in real life, but it is also needed over the internet. It’s one thing if you’re talking with your friends, but let’s say you’re filling out an application for a job online. You need to give it your all, and let’s hope your ALL is enough to get you hat job.

  51. joseph lopez 1st period says:

    In todays world people are lazy . Like you said , anyone can use spell check or google . Theres something people lack to understand . THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DONT HAVE COMPUTERS. There are people in the world who are less fortunate and those are the people who have good grammar because they dont depend on technology to fix their mistakes. If you think about it nobodys’ going to write correctly if they have spell check and google. They have no worries because the computer does it for them . What if youre taking a written test ? You have no spell check nor google to find out spelling . People dont realize technology is great and it helps us but , it can only go sooo far . I sometimes type like i text but, when it comes to grammar and spelling I have the skills because I don’t depend on technology to fix my mistakes.

  52. Rafael Rodriguez says:

    I think grammar is important because it show how educated you are to others. Grammar help us build are vocabulary up and help us use the proper words when needed. It shows how well we speak are English to each other and show the impact that it give us. Grammar is a big thing that we need to use for are writing because it help use becoming better writer.

  53. Tyrell Taylor 1st period says:

    Grammer is more then speaking to a buddy, or friend. It is life and controls what alot of people may think of you. Grammer relys on alot of things, it can help you in life not only by reading but writing as well. Proper grammer can help you get a job, fill out an resume or other important documents for whatever reasons, read and article, read directions on how to build something or on how to get somewhere. It gives everyone a better understanding when you speak, write, or listen. Computers may be a great invention and could spell check but at the end of the day, in life when your out away from the computer and in the real world you cannot rely on a computer to spell check or correct what you say or write.—–>ReLLz

  54. Adaysia Morton 1st Perriod says:

    Although we’re in the computer age, I believe that it is important to know grammar. Just because we have Google and spell-check to do all our spelling errors, we should still know grammar for the future. You will need to know grammar for high-school, college, and jobs. If you need to write a paper you will need to know the correct grammar to use. Also Google and spell-check won’t catch every error you have. So therefore, grammar is an important priority in life that you need to know and understand.

  55. Lashawn Bethea : ) 1st Period ! says:

    Grammar is very important in our everyday life, because it’s important to know how to spell, speak, and write properly. For example, like if you have to write a resume or an essay for a class or job you would want to sound intelligent and professional. In order to succeed in life you have to have grammar smarts, because you don’t want to go around having people thinking your dumb and not know what you’re talking about. The grammar age is very important in life because it can help people sound 10x’s smarter than what they really are. Even though you can spell-check or Google how to spell things you still need to know all these things on your own.

  56. Nicolas says:

    Knowing grammar shouldn’t really matter because of the fact of all these writing programs out it helps you correct every mistake you make in your writing. And with out people knowing you using these programs people will think you know what your writtin about and talking about. But when it comes down to being interview then your writing and reflects on you. You must talk how ever your writing is you must sound professional.

  57. I think it is important to know about the grammar because if you write anything and if you mess spell any words you should go back and fix it up. You would know how to speak, spell, and sound it out properly. All you need to do is watch out with the grammar. Grammar would help you out with everything your stuck on ity is very important to know all about the grammar it is good to help you out.

  58. Dougy Mauer period 3 says:

    Grammer isn’t a life line but can be used so many times in the right time. As of now I really don’t use computers. Just mostly my cell phone. For like texting or calling and internet. I tend’ to use my own way of grammer such as the right way to say ” what’s going on?” I’d perfer to say, ” What’s good?” Or when people say “bye” or “goodbye”, I basically say “later” or “peace.” Mostly everyone has their own way of communicating with one another. It’s real simple and easy to go by your own way of writing. No one could ever be a perfect writer by texting or any other kind of way of communicating with your friends. Some people talk proper which I dont like, and there are people that talk with their own slang or kind of language. There’s people in this world that take others language or slang during a text offensively because they don’t quite understand what they’re trying to say. They don’t intend on writing mean or nasty thing’s unless they’re playing around or that they are trying to threaten you which is not a good thing at all. Lol. So what i’m trying to say is that everyone is different in their own kind of way. No one can ever be perfect when they think they are. They have their own way of communicating with one another when most of the time the other end of the convo. don’t really know what you’re talking about. Lol.

  59. Tyreem says:

    Grammar is still important. now days technology is real high tech its nothing that technology cant do. Grammar is more easier when writing then speaking.because when u write and make a mistake u can fix it but when speaking u make a mistake it might get into a habit of you speaking that way. Better educated better grammar I think.

  60. keishla =] says:

    yes i think gammar is important because google and other helpfull thing wont always catch grammar mistakes. google wont always find what is wrong with a sentence. so i think it is still important to learn grammar because we should all try to be as smart as we can. so yea in my opinion grammar is still important =]

  61. Leasha Clair :)!* says:

    Grammar is important. But in the ‘computer age’ today, people dont really us it. Like in thier text messages, IMs, and on social sites. I think that now we only use grammer in formal work. Like in school work, resumes, work papers, anything that needs to be correct. even sometimes in formal work people don’t use correct grammar. But i think grammar is a great thing in any kind of perfession. Even if you think you don’t need it, its good to know. You will need it some time in the future.

  62. nichole miller 5th period says:

    I think when you’re on a computer it really doesn’t matter how you type or how well your grammar is , but I do believe that when you are a professional person or an adult and you don’t use good grammar then it looks bad on your part. If you spell check on Google all the time, then try to get a job with your “good grammar” then what? You would probably look really silly. I think in the end everyone needs to practice good grammar skill. So it does have implications on real life when you use grammar correctly and easily. If you’re not using grammar correctly then you go up against someone who does in a job interview you’re probably not as likely to get the job.

  63. Paul Lindsey pd5 says:

    Yes grammar is important in the computer age. It is because of the fact that, there are some people who don’t have a computer. So if you do not have a computer and you rely on technology you will not make it in life. For example, when you have a job interview the manger/owner do not want someone who uses slang in the work place, they want someone who knows how to talk professional in a work place. Grammar also helps people judge who you are. Even though technology is helpful it is better to learn from mistakes and try to fix it first rather than using technology all the time.

  64. Tyler Marcheski 5th. says:

    Yea I think that grammar is still important in the computer age. Sometimes it’s ok to write in your own language on facebook or texting to your friends such as “yo bro wat chu doin”. If your writing to get a job or something you can’t write the same way you do on facebook. Also if your giving directions or something and the person don’t understand you how are they going to know where to go. So I think that its ok to talk to your friends like that but not to important people and very serious situations. That’s why i think that grammar is still important in the computer age.

  65. Rayshawn Minter says:

    I don’t really think it’s that important, to know grammar in the age of new technology because, whatever we don’t understand a word, we can just search it up on google or any other search link…but it is also important to know because, some of the words today can still have the same spelling and different meanings to it…so it will be helpful if you can use a computer to check and see if the word has the same spelling and a certain meaning to it…
    To me, I believe that there are a lot of new words being created everyday so it will be really helpful that you can use the computers to search up the new word then you can learn to understand it.

  66. Aida eeyebstrait Cruz says:

    Question: Is grammar important?
    Answer: Even though we have all this technologically advanced programs that correct our grammatical errors if we just depend on technology to help us prosper we will never achieve anything as individuals. We can’t just rely on the sources we are supplied with to get through the work we have ahead of us. God obviously provided us with a brain for a reason. He wants us to take advantage of the gift he has given us; if he didn’t want to think for ourselves and be able to learn then he wouldn’t have given us a brain in the first place.

  67. Luis Santana says:

    I believe a life without computers, grammar would be the greatest challenge to everyone around the world as well as myself. The way computers are program today, grammar is being corrected before you get to look back on the screen. How would we learn from our mistakes. Then when you really think about it, you would really spell the words the wrong way because you are use to writing it the same way. Grammar is very important part in literature.

  68. Jose says:

    I think that grammar is important in the computer age. It is important because it will show how smart you are. For example if you are typing an essay and you are using bad grammar then your teacher will take points off. Also if you are use to bad grammar when you are typing or texting then you might use bad grammar when you are writing an essay or book report. That is why I think Grammar is important in the computer age.

  69. Christina Santiago says:

    I think grammar is stil important because it helps expand the way you speak. The way you speak shows how serious you take your education and how much you respect yourself. It is important to learn grammar for ourselves and not depend on computers. If all we do is depend on technology to correct our grammar then you really wont get anywhere,because your not really learning anything. You need correct grammar for every part of your life especially in the work field. Great grammar gives you more of a chance to get some where in life because you sound like an educated person, someone who will take life seriously.

  70. rebecca micheal 6th says:

    I think grammar is important in the computer age because you wont always have a computer to check your grammer so you need to check your grammar no matter what you are going to wanna speak things that people will understand not things that will confuse them and yourselfs.I think you also need to know your grammar because it helps you expand your talking to other or your self because some people do that and it is also good to know your grammar because if you have family that is far away and you wanna send them a letter you want to tell them how you are doing and how you feel and how how much you miss them and in order to do that you need the right grammar.

  71. Tati'Ahna Gray says:

    I think that grammar is still important because spell-check and Google do not catch every grammar mistake. I also feel that you can’t always depend on technology to help you with everything. Unlike a pen in paper technology can stop working then you’re left with nothing then what are you going to do? That is why I think you should still learn grammar even if you feel you don’t need to it’s still very important to know because you never know when you would need it in life!

  72. Maurice Lil Tounchie Furman 6th period says:

    “Is Important to know grammer ”
    I Think you have to know it to a certain extent. Just the basics. I think that because now -a-days computers are very advanced so any mistake you have they fix it. But i think you have to know it ore outside the computer world because of the outrageous numbers of “Slang” we use. I think we need to speak more proper because countrys outside of us that speak diffrent languages probably think were dumb . So my finial answer is yes you have to no grammer but you dont have to be a master at it .

  73. sandra romero vargas 6th pd. says:

    I think that grammar is very important. We can’t rely on computers all the time. In some ways computers also make mistakes and can make us sound worse. We should know how to speak in an appropriate manner so that we can excel in our language and make us sound more serious and professional. Also when getting a job we may want to sound smarter and speak in an intelligent way. When we have to write something in school like an essay we won’t have spell check so we have to know how to spell and use bigger words to improve our vocabulary in our everyday lives.

  74. ' raycheal gaines :) says:

    Is grammer still imporant in the current age ?

    Grammer is defiently still important in the current age. It effects the way a person talks, writes, and comprehens to something. Computers, to me, can sometimes cripple someone in there use of grammer. Your grammer determines the way you speck. You cannot be sucessful in life not having the ability to speak correctly.

  75. Darius Land 6th period` says:

    I think that grammar is important even though we have computers. We cannot expect them to fix all of our writing mistakes. Even though the computer does fix our mistakes we should still know how to fix them ourselves. If and when the time comes where we are not around or can’t use a computer we should have the ability to fix our own grammar mistakes. A computer does not have a brain and can’t think for us. Sometimes it might be broken and doesn’t detect the problem. What if you are typing a book and you have a lot of grammar mistakes it probably won’t be able to get published. If you are smart enough to see you own mistakes you would not have to worry about something like that happening.

  76. - arlesha ' warren * says:

    Is grammar important in computer age ?
    – In my opinion I think it’s very important to know grammar because you need it in your everyday life and you can’t be successful or get a job if you speak incorrectly. Now days with texting and facebook people write different so they use to that, so when they go to work or school they write is if they’re on facebook or texting.
    – arlesha *

  77. alex buchalter 7th period says:

    Is grammar still important in the computer age? I think it is because we don’t always keep our computers with us. Also computers change it automatically. That’s a big difference between typing and writing also. For instance say you’re writing an essay, and you us the wrong form of “there” you could confuse the reader. Also you might lose points for doing that. So I do think grammar is important in the computer age.

  78. brianna s.7th says:

    Honestly, I think grammar is still important. It shows that you are an educated individual. It helps with getting a job or during an interview. It can also show that you come from an intelligent family. Even though this world has a lot of technology I think knowing grammar is important because you will not always have a computer in front of you depending on the type of job you have. Knowing grammar makes communicating easy. No matter what “age” it is grammar is important to me!

  79. Stephanie Budd 7th period ;}-) says:

    Is grammar still important in the computer age? Personally, yes, I think that grammar is still important. If you are an upper classman in high school and they ask you for an essay typed and printed, you’re going to have to have good grammar, same thing with being in colleges. If you were writing a paper for school or a job and it’s extremely important, you’re going to need to have good grammar. You can’t put “lol” or “brb”, or anything like that. It’s not professional. When you write a paper you always remember to have good grammar, but when you’re typing a paper you always have bad grammar. So when you are typing a paper just think that you are writing it.

  80. michael jones ( rozay ) = ] says:

    Period 7
    Nikeman *
    In this day and age, more and more people have the capability to have ‘their words’ read by more and more people. With the advent of text messages, social networking and even the ‘boom’ in online self-publishing, it seems that the writing of everyone can be read by anyone.

  81. Jose Fernandez says:

    I think grammar is still important in the English language. I say this because older people who weren’t around to hear “lol, smh, rofl, brb,” etc. they won’t have a clue what we are talking about. I think it’s fine to speak your way when talking to a friend who gets it and can say it back, but when it comes to speaking to an adult and being respectful, that’s not the way to speak. Then you should speak with grammar.

  82. Deasia Thomas - 7th Periodd says:

    I think that grammar is still important in the computer age because you can’t always depend on a computer to fix your grammar for you. When you do an application for a job or anything you don’t always do it on a computer so therefore you will need to know your grammar. Grammar does not only affect the way you write it also affects the way you talk. We sometimes say the word “aint”. Ex: This “aint” a word. Ex with correction: This “is not” a word.

  83. Ambershorts 7 says:

    I also think that grammar is important. I think that it is important in the real world because it shows that you are educated. And when you’re educated you can get so much more out of life such as better jobs. For an example with grammar there are many ways to write things and all aren’t correct English like for instance if you are on face book you can write “ttyl” meaning “talk to you later.” But in the real world you can’t write abbreviate things especially in the work field when trying to get a job.

  84. Ashanti says:

    is grammer still important in the computer age????????
    yes, i think grammar is still important in the computer age because…….. you need it to be able to communicate with others to become a better writer to get jobs and to succeed in life. although we do have computers that pretty much fix everything for you like google and the dictionary. there is nothing wrong with the way peopole use slang and the way people text just be able to understand when to use street talk and when to speak correctly because theres a place and time for everything

  85. shaylece says:

    Grammar is the system of language .I think grammar is still important to the computer age because, people sometimes describe grammar as the “rules” of a language. No language has rules. If grammar wasn’t important then, why do we still have English classes? Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The short answer is “no”.

  86. John Giordano says:

    It is important to have grammar skills for many reasons. It shows how educated you are in the English language. There will not always be some type of technology to help you in every situation. We should be able to speak our language without relying on another resource. Reading and writing grammatically correct is a huge part of life. We make grammar mistakes everyday but when we can learn from our mistakes to make us better writers.

  87. Alex Turner:(A.R.T)=]-~ says:

    In the computer world grammar is the least to worry about. On other hands in the computer age I feel as if grammar is still important. We can easily go on a computer or any internet access tool and find out the meaning or the correct way to spell and pronounce a word or sentence. It’s another thing to have to talk to someone with improper grammar. Now a day language on a computer through email or chat consists of “LOL, O DAY DRAWLN 4 REAL, and OMG” but you wouldn’t write to the mayor or your mother telling them “sir I needa brng sum thngs to ya attention” or “yo momz wats 4 dinnr”. I believe that it doesn’t matter if you’re a grammar expert when anyone can use spell check or Google anything. But I feel that those who use good grammar and acknowledged proper grammar will get farther than those who don’t. Being able to use it correctly has many implications in real life. One day in your life you’re going to have to write a letter to someone or send in a resume to a company and its going to be hard to understand the resume or letter with improper grammar. Many companies require proper grammar and will hire you before the next person because of your terrific grammar.

  88. Ashley M Castaner says:

    Yes Grammer is imporant in everyday life. Even through we have google or any other source. We still have to learn grammer. Because people think grammer is just so easy um no its not like its not a rule to learn grammer we just choose too. Grammar is the system of language. But Like my mom she really don’t understand how young people like us know so much about computers and grammer. We have great technology now in days back then they had to learn grammer without any resource and things like that.

  89. Phillip Robinson 9th period says:

    its important to me becuase computers dont get a person a job and when you go for an interview they acspect you to have the rite grammar becuase they dont want you to talk to there customers any type of way and if its and reseptionist job they do not want you to answer the phone incorrect.

    The computer helps you to and if you are sending an emial the computer will correct it for you and even though computers are basicly taking over the 21st century. Computers correct peoples grammar becuase they recognize that words,sentences,and paragraphs dnt sound rite so it correct it for you.

  90. Justin V. 9th p. says:

    Grammer is still important, because the internet won’t pick up every mistake. When you go places don’t expect computer’s to be there. You have to learn how to fix your mistake’s yourself. No matter what “age” you are it’s important to know grammer. When a teacher gives you a test, don’t expect him/her to let you get up and use a computer. Also don’t expect to get a job without knowing grammer; it’s very important to know grammer in an interview. Thats why I think grammer is important no matter what “age” you are.

  91. JJ Amaro 9th says:

    In my opinion I think grammar is important because it helps you on a day to day basis. One reason I think it helps is by helping you get a job. It helps because if you are going for a job interview for The News you need to learn how to talk the right way instead of talking slang. Especially for television. If you don’t talk right and you are on television the corporation can lose money because you aren’t talking the right way and people can’t understand you.

  92. Jay Brown 9th period says:

    Regardless of the wonders of today’s computers, I feel it’s important to be able to write with proper grammar. The way you write carries over into the way that you speak. So if you can’t write or speak with proper grammer people tend to percive you as uneducated or confused. I read a lot and I think that my writing reflects that. I’ve read many books by many different writers and I hope that one day my writing can be as good as theirs. My goal for the future is to be a professional writer and a writer needs all the practice he/she can get. Learning to use correct grammar is a major part of that, along with expanding your vocabulary and reading as many books as you can. And in the long-run I hope that by practicing as much as I do, I can compete with the major writers to whom I look up.

  93. venise beauzile says:

    Yes I do think grammar still important in this time of age. You need to know how speak proper English to get a high paying job. Also if you want to get a high education for college you need to write a letter to get accepted to that particular school. You would use it in your everyday life when you are talking to someone. For example if you are talking to someone very important you want to past tense for present. You would look very uneducated if you used improper grammar .

  94. Tyrell Taylor 1st period(Correction to JJ Amaro aka So Soft and Squishey 9th pd. ) says:

    In my opinion I think grammar is important because it helps us on a day to day basis. One reason I believe it helps is by helping people get jobs. It helps because if you are going for a job interview for The News for exaple you need to learn how to talk the right way instead of talking slang. Especially for television. If you don’t talk right and you are on television the corporation can lose money because you aren’t talking the right way and people can’t understand you.

  95. kaitlyn loper says:

    I believe that grammar plays a big part in the world. If you go to college and have a speech or presentation to do, your grammar and speech will play a big role in your grade and the way people will look at you. But, when you have a computer, you are used to the computer correcting all of your grammar and mistakes. When you have a computer and it does everything for you, you tend to make a lot more mistakes when you speech. Furthermore, you begin to believe that grammar is not as important as it is. When you get older and want to have a good paying job than you’ll have to go to college and be a good speaker. When you have good grammar, you sound a lot more professional.

  96. Jasmine Cruzzzzz!!!:) says:

    Grammar is pretty important. If you don’t know your grammar then you’re going to look illiterate to the outside world. You need to know proper grammar for a job interview or something like a speech. Grammar will follow you everywhere you go. This does not involve cursing; cursing isn’t a part of the English language. It will help you learn how to read & write nice.

  97. kaitlyn says:

    I believe that grammar plays a big part in the world. If you go to college and have a speech or presentation to do, your grammar and speech will play a big role in your grade. Also, by the way people judge you and look at you. For instance, when you have a job interview; there’s not going to be a computer sitting right in front of you fixing all of your grammar mistakes. Telling you what to say and not. But, when you have a computer, you are so used to the computer correcting all of your mistakes for you, and you tend to forget; by not paying attention to what the computers correcting and you repeatedly keep making the same mistakes. Furthermore, you begin to believe that grammar is not as important as it is. When you speak properly, you sound more professional and intelligent.

  98. donald long 5th period says:

    Well, because of the computes of this time, the grammar doesn’t affect us at the time we write, or type. With the computers, the grammar can be fixed be itself, but I don’t know, this is a hard topic. Some people, Rather then use computer because there are too lazy to fix the grammar mistakes be them-self’s. I ambit that I am lazy with my work, I am not good a grammar as the other writers, such as the college student or the journalist, I am not the only one that is lazy, right, even the teachers knok that I am right but people have other things to do and do the work to fast. If he/she do the work to fast, the will get a bad grade or not a great blog entry. Right?

  99. John Imhof says:

    In today’s world, we have computers to do just about anything we want. Whether it’s fixing a spelling mistake in a document, or controlling nuclear missiles. I personally don’t believe that it’s necessary to have perfect grammar. But to avoid confusion to those English speakers who don’t understand the language that well, we should at least have a good position on our grammar. Today’s youth live in a world where they don’t have to worry about the same kind of grammar rules as older people did back in the days before machine. Those people who are from an older generation who do not know how to use computers, still use all of the proper grammar rules they were taught as a child. I guess it all depends on the way you were taught English. Some people have horrible position on handwriting because they were taught to type through their entire school years. But either way, we all should have a good hold on our grammar.

  100. ronald says:

    Young people should learn grammar because once they get older they’ll be able to condensate using proper grammar instead of using “slang.” It will teach them how to become a better person in what they do and how they do it. Some people think they know every grammar that’s thrown at them and put other people down just because they don’t know or understand, so they figure it out and that will make them a better person. The people who do know a lot of grammar did the same thing and they got better and people probably put them down too. For the computer, typing grammar is the same as talking but you think in your head about what you want to write and typing down grammar will help you a lot on essays, projects, book reports, ECT. That’s what I think it means.

  101. Venise Beauzile (AkA ) NiSEy says:

    Yes I do think grammar still important. You need to know how to speak proper English to get a high paying job. Also if you want to get a high education for college you need to write a letter to get accepted to that particular school. You would use it in your everyday life when you are talking to someone. For example if you are talking to someone very important you want to past tense for present. You would look very uneducated if you used improper grammar .

  102. David Pellot says:

    Yes grammar is very important to the computer age. If grammar wasn’t so important teachers would not have the need to teach it to us. Because grammar is so important in everyday life people need it to get jobs and other stuff. Also without grammar the English language would sound so weird. Grammar is very important to know, it is also very important to learn new ropes that lead you to a more successful. That’s why I believe that in life the one who can read and write nearly perfect always makes the most money.

  103. Phillip Robinson 9th period says:

    1. it’s important to me because computers d0nt get a person a job and when you go for an interview they aspect you to have the rite grammar because they don’t want you to talk to their customers any type of way and if its and receptionist job they do not want you to answer the phone incorrect.
    The computer helps u to and if you is sending an email the computer will correct it for you and even though computers are basically taking over the 21st century. Computers correct people’s grammar because they recognize that words, sentences, and paragraphs don’t sound rite so it correct it for you.

  104. D.Pipes 9th says:

    Grammar is very important in this lifetime.Kids my age are starting to get jobs.They need to learn how to talk to people. Grammar is a good thing to learn because you might not always have spell check or google. For me I want to speck well and write well because I want to go far in my life by going to law school.

  105. Maria Jarquin says:

    Grammar is very important because if you don’t know how to use proper grammar you’re going to sound very uneducated. It helps that we have spell check and Google but we don’t always have them at hand. For example if you’re talking to someone you can’t click spell check to fix the grammar mistakes. So learn your grammar so you don’t make a fool out of yourself.

  106. Alexander says:

    I think that grammar is important to know when you’re writing because it’s important to show your writing in a professional way. For example, if you’re applying for a job you would want to sound professional so you can get a better chance of getting the job. I think that computers do all the work for you. In that case since it corrects everything for you, you really wouldn’t learn anything from it.
    How to become a lawyer

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